About Us


 CARD rheumatology at St Vincent’s University Hospital is a EULAR Centre of Excellence for research and education. Our main focus is on patients with early, inflammatory arthritis eg. rheumatoid / psoriatic and vasculitis eg. Giant Cell Arteritis. We aim to provide patients with state-of-the-art treatment and information about their conditions.

 Our key scientific focus is on understanding mechanisms of inflammation, metabolism and joint damage with a view to providing the most relevant treatment to individual patients.

Our current projects focus on

  • biomarkers to identify ‘at risk’ subjects and who will develop severe disease,
  • Treat-to-target aiming for complete remission,
  • Develop new and better treatments for patients
  • identify new molecules involves in inflammatory arthritis, using novel models in the laboratory
  • pre-clinical proof of concept studies in collaboration with industry partners,
  • Cutting edge technology including genetics,  proteomics and  transcriptomics to identify potential new targets
  • Imaging techniques to examine inflammation and metabolism in the joints e.g. PET/CT and MRI